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Direct Accountability

The Community Resource Centre employs a

 Community Justice Worker to implement the 

Direct Accountability Program in Renfrew County.

Direct Accountability

The Community Resource Centre employs a Community Justice Worker to implement the Direct Accountability Program in Renfrew County. The Community Justice Worker is available at all First Appearance Courts (Pembroke, Renfrew and Killaloe), to meet with adults who have been charged with minor criminal offences and referred by the Crown Attorney. The Community Justice Worker creates sanctions for the individual to complete. These may include a letter of apology, restitution, a charitable donation, community service hours, or attending a program or counselling. Once the assigned tasks are completed, the charges are withdrawn by the Court. 

‌The Direct Accountability Program benefits the community and the participant by: 
‌Efficient resolution
‌of minor court matters. 

Saving time
‌for victims and witnesses, and the time they will have to spend in court.

Community-based sanctions
‌recognizing that this can be an effective way of holding some people accountable for minor offenses. 

‌ensuring amends are made for the harm caused and holding people accountable for their actions. 

Contact Direct Accountability

 (613) 281-6744